Experiences of People Accessing GP (Primary Care) using Digital Applications in Sandwell
(apps) was raised as an area concern for conversation.
We have carried out a project that looks at the experiences of people accessing and using digital applications (apps) for GP services, and the barriers to using them. This report will focus primarily on the NHS app, also referenced is the Air mid app.

In March 2021 Healthwatch Sandwell published a report Using Digital Technology in Primary Care Services. This report will revisit some of the key findings and review recommendations: https://www.healthwatchsandwell.co.uk/report/2024-03- 26/diabetes-sandwell-march-2024
There have been large improvements in digital access since we published the report in 2021. However, some of the main issues with digital access still remain:
• Access to digital technology found to be a co-related issue for those with language barriers. Within the Minority Ethnicities group overall “digital poverty” was a factor
• The online registration process needs to be made easier for some people • Consider a step-to-step guide “how to” guide with trouble shooting section and staff support offers
• A person-centred approach to help to establish which service options work best for individuals with support needs and to record preferences and support needs on individual records
• Review accessible communication formats offered and translation services
Note: The Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB) Digital Team have established an Improving Access Digital Group for sensory loss. The partnership group are working on ways in which access can be improved for patients with sensory loss.
To see our latest report. Use the button below.