Hospital Discharge Lounge – Birmingham City Hospital
environment for patients who have been discharged from the ward areas by a doctor and are awaiting medication, discharge documents and transport.
The lounge offers a relaxing environment which is quieter than a ward where patients’ needs can continue to be met.
Our Authorised Representative observed the environment and used a pre-set of questions that covered:
• Patient experience of the service including care by staff, accessibility to the building and information and any suggestions to improve the service.
• How staff meet individual needs of patients including the communication needs of patients who have impairments, handling anti-social behaviour from patients and/or relatives, how to support patients who want to raise a complaint or concern about the service and suggestions to improve the service.
Observations were made of the environment both externally and internally, that included:
• Signage, accessibility, lighting, refreshments, cleanliness, parking and transport links.
To see what people told us, use the link below to read our full report.