Experiences of People Accessing GP (Primary Care) using Digital Applications in Sandwell
One of HWS priorities for 2023/24 is to focus on engaging with under representative groups in Sandwell. Through our engagement work, we found that a big topic for discussion were the issues with accessing GP services. The use of digital applications
(apps) was raised as an area concern for conversation.
We have carried out a project that looks at the experiences of people accessing and using digital applications (apps) for GP services, and the barriers to using them. This report will focus primarily on the NHS app, also referenced is the Air mid app.
(apps) was raised as an area concern for conversation.
We have carried out a project that looks at the experiences of people accessing and using digital applications (apps) for GP services, and the barriers to using them. This report will focus primarily on the NHS app, also referenced is the Air mid app.