Healthwatch Sandwell Annual Report 2021-22
Championing what matters to you - To make sure people’s experiences help make health and care better.
How we’ve made a difference throughout the year
- Supported people with sickle cell & thalassemia to become Ambassadors, strengthening patient voices at key stakeholder meetings.
- Provided small grants to enable VCS organisations to increase their involvement with seldom groups regarding health and care experiences.
- Digital inclusion partnership working with VCS & Local Authority to raise awareness of risk factors -digital inclusion steering group and strategic connection links established.
- Increased engagement with minority ethnic communities through digital exclusion in health services work. Working relationships with support organisations increased.
- Developed a mutual working relationship with the European Welfare Association who supports Eastern European, Polish, and Romanian nationality people living in Sandwell.
- Strengthened relationships with primary care services to enable patient confidence in the changes in primary care due to Covid-19.
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Healthwatch Sandwell Annual Report 2021-22